Alpine Mini Academy


CEUs – 12

PREREQUISITES – Certified Member Level I, II or III

Looking for an early season opportunity to refresh your skills? Want the excitement of the Snow Pro Jam, but don’t quite have the time to dive in? This condensed weekend event might just be the answer for you.

The Alpine Mini Academy is a great way to ski with a member of the PSIA Alpine National Team, prepare for the season, get some valuable feedback, and have fun doing it! A group’s specific focus will depend on the participant’s goals and typically include:

  • Personal skiing improvement.
  • Exploring the technical, people, and teaching skills of the Learning Connection Model.
  • Understanding cause and effect relationships as you continue to develop your movement analysis skills.
  • Exploring varying tactics for success in different terrain and conditions.

Participants should arrive prepared to ski safely on green to groomed black terrain. Depending on trail availability and snow conditions, some groups may elect to venture into ungroomed terrain, including moguls and glades. On the first morning of the event, the groups split by interests and pacing.

Attendance is limited, and the event often closes before the deadline; early registration is strongly encouraged.

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