Alpine Advanced Moguls

Course Name: Advanced Moguls
Discipline: Alpine
Time: 2 Days (12 credits)
Environment: Advanced terrain
Note: Due to variations in trail difficulty designations from one resort to the next, i.e., a Blue Square run at one resort may be designated as a Black Diamond at another resort. It is possible, and probable at some resorts, that ungroomed or Black Diamond bumped runs may be included in this event. In addition, trail difficulty may vary due to snow conditions improving or deteriorating throughout the day. The course conductor will determine if the local trail designations and conditions are appropriate for the ability of the group and will choose terrain appropriate for the event.
In addition, resorts make every effort to have bump runs available for our events; however, there are times when conditions make skiing bumps impossible. In this case the course conductor will make every effort to develop bump skiing skills on other terrain.
Prerequisites: Minimum Level 1 Certification
Course Description:
This course will focus on advanced performance and fine-tuning essential skills and tactics necessary to ski bumps in Advanced terrain (trails designated black or more). It will help participants, who already ski black terrain bumps, to handle more difficult lines, more speed, and more challenging conditions. When possible the majority of the clinic will be spent skiing bumps.
Learning Experiences:
Specific activities will vary depending on the group and environmental conditions; however, they will typically include:
• Fine tuning the application of rotary control, pressure control and edge control movements to maintain and/or improve ski performance while skiing more difficult lines, with more speed, and in more challenging conditions.
• Exploring strategies and tactics for skiing advanced moguls.
• Improving the ability to use the Skiing Fundamentals and the Skills Concept to observe and describe how bodies move, versus how they should move, and how the skis should perform in advanced bump skiing.
• Refining our understanding of cause and effect relationships in bump skiing.


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