Alpine Skiing for Women Instructors


CEUs – 12

PREREQUISITES – Certified Alpine Level I

RECOMMENDED PREP – Suggested reading:  A Conversation with Fear

Want to up your game with other rad female skiers?  Are you looking to shred, learn and be inspired from the best ladies in the east? Well, it’s time to face your fears and conquer the mountain with other lady shredders by your side. During the two days you will learn tactics, lines, and strategies for effective skiing.  You’ll explore how being a woman can impact your performance and then how to harness that power and push past your skiing boundaries.  Groups may focus on:

  • How the skiing Fundamentals and Skills Concept inform body and ski performance for the female skier
  • Equipment choices and adjustments that can impact on-hill performance goals.

So come one, come all and let’s build confidence together and share ideas on how to help other ladies in the skiing sisterhood.

Participants will be female Level 1 and above who are comfortable skiing on intermediate and advanced terrain.  Where the group will ski and what will be focused on will be based on the group’s skills and confidence level. With that said, as the group comes together, so will the confidence!

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