Children’s Specialist Prep


CEUs – 12

PREREQUISITES – Level I Certification in primary discipline

RECOMMENDED PREP – Review the “Teaching Children Snowsports” manual

If you are a children’s instructor who is thinking about pursuing the Children’s Specialist (CS) 1 or 2, then the CS Prep may be for you! This event is designed to help aspiring CS candidates achieve their goals, and is led by the same ACE Team members who administer the assessment events. The CS Prep event covers Learning Connection skills expected of CS candidates: People Skills needed to communicate with students and parents and manage behavior, Teaching Skills that enable instructors to plan and present learning segments based on movement analysis and real and ideal movements, and Technical Skills based on fundamental movements and stages of development (the CAP Model). You will have the opportunity to engage in guided practice with assessment activities that you may encounter at Children’s Specialist assessment events, and receive personal feedback to help you prepare to take the CS1 or CS2.

This is a multidisciplinary course with the possibility of alpine, snowboard, and telemark participants in the same group.

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