¦¦¦Snowsports Management Seminar 2024

Day 1: Monday, December 2, 2024 from 5:00 pm – 8:45 pm ET
Day 2: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm ET
Day 3: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm ET
Add to Personal Calendar

Location: Mount Snow (VT) (For event check-in, please go to the room designated in the Grand Summit Hotel. Please refer to the Mount Snow website for lodging options, directions and more information on the resort. – Inside Registration – Grand)

All participants in PSIA-AASI clinics at Vail resorts are required to wear helmets while sliding or riding, in accordance to the Vail Resort Helmet Policy. Please see more information here.

Event Code: 325AL1202B

Available Registration Packages (click for more info):
Option 3 – Cross Country Track (one day, with banquet optional add-on):
– First Chair Rate: $110.00 (available through Tuesday, November 12)
– Second Chair Rate: $135.00
– CEUs: 12
Option 1 – General Registration (choose your options for all sessions):
– First Chair Rate: $350.00 (available through Tuesday, November 12)
– Second Chair Rate: $375.00
– CEUs: 12
Option 2 – Snowboard Trainer Track (choose your option for Wednesday afternoon):
– First Chair Rate: $350.00 (available through Tuesday, November 12)
– Second Chair Rate: $375.00
– CEUs: 12

Event Prerequisite(s): None

Additional Fee for Non-Members: $25.00

Registration Closes: Friday, November 15, 2024, 11:59 pm ET

This is a highlighted event that is anticipated to be very popular.

Online Registration: CLOSED

Offline Registration: Please call the Eastern office (518) 452-6095 during regular hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm EST.

Course Description:

This event promises to be informative and exciting as well as educational. The most up-to-date information is available at our Feature Events page.

Additional Event Details:

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MONDAY! Our event begins with the dynamic keynote presentation, “Effectively Communicating with Generation Z” presented by Betsy Butterick at 7:00pm on Monday, December 2nd.

We will not be on-snow Monday however, you may purchase an Epic Pass in advance for Monday, if you are arriving early. The Epic Pass includes access to additional discounts on food, lodging, rentals and more. Click here for more information.


> Up to 14 days prior to the event: $20.00 fee < During the two weeks prior to the event: $25.00 fee

> Up to 14 days prior to the event: $20.00 fee < During the two weeks prior to the event: $50.00 fee

**NEW ** IF YOU NEED TO CANCEL or TRANSFER from an EVENT that is 4 or more days:
> Up to 21 days prior to the event: $20.00 fee < During the three weeks prior to the event: 50% of event fee paid

Notice to the office must be made no later than 4:30pm on last business day before the event.
IF YOU DO NOT SHOW AT YOUR EVENT AND DO NOT CONTACT US by 4:30pm on last business day before the event: No refund.
If purchased, Spot Insurance Policy cancellations must be done at least five days before the start date of the event. The policy is fully refundable until that time and is non-refundable after.

Our goal is to ensure all events run as scheduled, however, there are times, with very little notice, that we may have to cancel or move an event due to factors beyond our control. We encourage you to consider this possibility when making travel plans.


Option 3 – Cross Country Track (one day, with banquet optional add-on)

Package Price:
– First Chair Rate: $110.00 (available through Tuesday, November 12)
– Second Chair Rate: $135.00

CEUs: 12

Event Prerequisite(s): None

Registration Closes Friday, November 15, 2024, 11:59 pm ET

Package Description:

This is the Cross Country Track registration.

If you are viewing this from the calendar listing, please: Click here to register your choices.

A new offering this year, this special track, which keeps you immersed in the Cross Country zone throughout the entire day on Tuesday.

For this registration choice you will have the Cross Country Track selected by default, and you have the option to add-on the banquet if you would like to attend.

Please also let us know if you will be attending the can’t-miss keynote, the informative town hall, social hour, by selecting each of those you plan to attend. Those are included with your registration.

This package includes each of the following sections.

KEYNOTE – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Keynote Presentation – Effectively Communicating with Generation Z – Betsy Butterick
     December 2, 2024 from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm ET

Join us at our Keynote Presentation on Monday, December 2nd, 7:00pm. Betsy Butterick presents: Effectively Communicating with Generation Z.

Young people we are teaching today have never known life without the internet. That unique context translates into both opportunities and challenges for instructors and trainers everywhere. In this year’s keynote, Betsy Butterick will help us discover who these students are, and how they interact for more effective teaching. Gain insights to operate in their conversational comfort zone and develop tactics to connect in meaningful ways. Experience greater engagement, enjoyment and partnership with Gen Z!

TUESDAY MORNING (Includes the following):
Tues AM Outdoor-The Beginner XC Experience
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Dive into the beginner experience on XC skis! Open to all Snowsports Management Seminar participants, uncover strategies to support beginners in their learning journey. Set to take place in the base area near the Discovery Center, snow permitting, slide through entry level activities that promote fun and learning. All participants should arrive with their own classic XC equipment.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON (Includes the following):
Tues PM Indoor-XC Best Practices Roundtable
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Join us for the inaugural XC roundtable! Lead by Eastern Region and CCSAA leadership, be a part of a generative discussion on topics including the beginner experience, promoting return guests and designing programing for a sustainable operation. This session is an opportunity to share learnings, ask questions, and collaborate on best practices.

TOWN HALL – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Tues PM-Town Hall Meeting
     December 3, 2024 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm ET

Join us for an Eastern Region update and insight into the National effort for alignment targeted for the 2026-27 season. In this session, engage in a discussion to elevate the value of a certified snowsports professional, and explore new offerings from the Eastern Region. Participants will learn more about:

· New events, namely, to support certification prep, and January pricing incentives.

· Eastern Region scholarship updates.

· Education Leaders recommendations for assessment process unification.

· Professional development from Level I to Level III certification pathways.

· Three phase approach to strategic alignment and the premier member experience.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and get answers from leaders in the Eastern Region!

SOCIAL HOUR – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Tues PM-Social Hour
     December 3, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ET

Join other Snowsports School Directors and Trainers in the Deerfield Conference Room from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. This is a great networking opportunity to learn from your peers, get ideas and learn how others solve common issues specific to Snowsports School lessons and guest experiences.

BANQUET & AWARDS (add on here, if you are able to join us) (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
– If you would like to join us for the awards banquet on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:30, please add this item to your registration.

In case of any emergency, please list someone who we can contact and with whom you allow us to share information about your location, situation, and needs. (Choose 2 options):
– Emergency Contact – Name/relationship:
– Emergency Contact – Phone:


Option 1 – General Registration (choose your options for all sessions)

Package Price:
– First Chair Rate: $350.00 (available through Tuesday, November 12)
– Second Chair Rate: $375.00

CEUs: 12

Event Prerequisite(s): None

Registration Closes Friday, November 15, 2024, 11:59 pm ET

Package Description:

This is the general registration.

If you are viewing this from the calendar listing, please: Click here to register your choices.

There are more specialized registration tracks for snowboard trainers and for Cross Country participants.

For this registration option, all sessions are available to choose from, and you will need to make several choices. Please read through carefully.

You will need to make choices for each morning and afternoon, and let us know if you will be attending the can’t-miss keynote, the informative town hall, social hour and banquet with awards, by selecting each of those you plan to attend.

This package includes each of the following sections.

KEYNOTE – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Keynote Presentation – Effectively Communicating with Generation Z – Betsy Butterick
     December 2, 2024 from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm ET

Join us at our Keynote Presentation on Monday, December 2nd, 7:00pm. Betsy Butterick presents: Effectively Communicating with Generation Z.

Young people we are teaching today have never known life without the internet. That unique context translates into both opportunities and challenges for instructors and trainers everywhere. In this year’s keynote, Betsy Butterick will help us discover who these students are, and how they interact for more effective teaching. Gain insights to operate in their conversational comfort zone and develop tactics to connect in meaningful ways. Experience greater engagement, enjoyment and partnership with Gen Z!

TUESDAY MORNING (Choose 1 option):
– Tues AM Outdoor-Running Multi-Discipline Clinics
     January 1, 1970 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am ET
– Tues AM Outdoor-Teachings Skills: Be Concise and Precise
     January 1, 1970 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am ET
Tues AM Indoor-What is the Risk
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

This session will take a hard look at what the risk of exposure is during day-to-day operations of snowsports schools. Focus will be on guest and employee safety, policy, and procedure and what to look out for while on the hill. From signing up online, checking in at the guest services desk to après ski, join David Byrd from NSAA and Ryan Lavoie from Mountain Guard insurance for this enlightening session.

Tues AM Indoor-Training Generation Z Instructors
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Dovetailing with the keynote speech, dive into strategies to help you connect with your Generation Z staff. In this interactive session, Betsy Butterick will lead groups in better understanding the context in which staff of this age group have developed, and their preferred communication styles and methods. This will be the launch pad for creating meaningful opportunities to connect with, support and train your younger team members.

Tues AM Indoor-Creating a Vibrant Training Community
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

In this session, we’ll dive into methods to keep your snowsports staff excited and engaged all year long. Beginning with “Tech Talks,” we’ll chat about the latest industry trends and how to keep those conversations going even in the off-season. Then, we’ll explore “Cultural Touchstones,” the key moments and values that really bring your team together. We’ll also talk about the power of regular staff get-togethers–whether it’s a summer BBQ or a virtual hangout–to keep that sense of community alive. Finally, we’ll share some creative ways to keep your team connected and motivated, so they’re pumped and ready for the next season.

Tues AM Outdoor-The Beginner XC Experience
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Dive into the beginner experience on XC skis! Open to all Snowsports Management Seminar participants, uncover strategies to support beginners in their learning journey. Set to take place in the base area near the Discovery Center, snow permitting, slide through entry level activities that promote fun and learning. All participants should arrive with their own classic XC equipment.

Tues AM Outdoor-Intro to Sit-Down Equipment and Programming (limited)
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Curious about this adaptive discipline? Learn the basics of sit-down equipment, with opportunities to discuss the differences between the mono-ski and bi-ski and discover how the Fundamentals apply to sit-down equipment. Demonstrations will provide opportunities to know what to look for. This will be an interactive, hands-on experience, including discussions on implementing programing at your resort.

Tues AM Outdoor-Snowboard Trainers Track: Understanding the Level 2 and 3 Movement Analysis and Technical Understanding Assessments
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

This session is focused on helping trainers better understand the Movement Analysis and Technical Understanding portion of the Level 2 and 3 Assessment. Spend the morning establishing an understanding of how we can utilize the Snowboarding Technical Fundamentals to perform movement analysis of riders. This session will help trainers to understand how to train candidates to use MA to identify what riders are doing using the Observe, Evaluate, and Prescribe Movement Analysis model. The Examiners will give an overview of Assessment Activities that candidates can expect to participate in during Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON (Choose 1 option):
– Tues PM Outdoor-Preparing Staff for the Alpine Level I Assessment
     January 1, 1970 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am ET
Tues PM Indoor-What is the Risk?
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This session will take a hard look at what the risk of exposure is during day-to-day operations of snowsports schools. Focus will be on guest and employee safety, policy, and procedure and what to look out for while on the hill. From signing up online, checking in at the guest services desk to après ski, join David Byrd from NSAA and Ryan Lavoie from Mountain Guard insurance for this enlightening session.

Tues PM Indoor-XC Best Practices Roundtable
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Join us for the inaugural XC roundtable! Lead by Eastern Region and CCSAA leadership, be a part of a generative discussion on topics including the beginner experience, promoting return guests and designing programing for a sustainable operation. This session is an opportunity to share learnings, ask questions, and collaborate on best practices.

Tues PM Indoor-The Nuts & Bolts: Alpine Movement Analysis
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This afternoon indoor movement analysis (MA) session will follow up on the information reviewed during the on-snow morning MA session; those that did not attend the on-snow session are welcome! Learn how to apply the nuts and bolts of MA , while also developing lessons that are more tailored toward student goals and performance. Learn how to help your staff develop their eye for performance, and follow-up with prescriptions for students. Grow the skills to lead your staff from the often used “”one lesson fits all”” style to a more personalized experience, even in group lessons.

Tues PM Indoor-Training Generation Z Instructors
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Dovetailing with the keynote speech, dive into strategies to help you connect with your Generation Z staff. In this interactive session, Betsy Butterick will lead groups in better understanding the context in which staff of this age group have developed, and their preferred communication styles and methods. This will be the launch pad for creating meaningful opportunities to connect with, support and train your younger team members.

Tues PM Outdoor-Intermediate Sit-Down Equipment and Tethering Skills (limited)
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

In this session, we will cover the skills needed to tether bi-skis; and help you to learn how to navigate and read the trails’ contours for best tethering practices. We will be covering the skills that someone needs to perform safely. Bring your curiosity as this clinic will be interactive for a great hands-on experience. Designed as an opportunity for snowsports schools leaders to get more involved, expand your knowledge of sit-down equipment and tethering.

Tues PM Outdoor-Snowboard Trainers Track: Understanding the Level 2 and 3 Teaching Assessments
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This session is focused on helping trainers better understand the Teaching portion of the Level 2 and 3 Assessment. We will build off of the Movement Analysis and Technical Understanding session as we explore how to train instructors on teaching in ways that help instructors connect with their students and promote the best learning opportunities and environments possible for those students. We will explore tactics for creating organic learning experiences in lessons, highlight key components of a teaching segment, and make sure that trainers in attendance have a grasp on how to help instructors train towards continuing certifications. The Examiners will give an overview of Assessment Activities that candidates can expect to participate in during Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments.

Tues PM Outdoor-Intro to Freestyle (limited)
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This session will explore the expectations of the Freestyle Specialist program, specifically the Freestyle Specialist 1. This session is intended for those managers and trainers looking to get insight on how to best prepare their staff members seeking this credential. Participants do not need to have freestyle background or abilities, nor will any attendee need to perform freestyle maneuvers. Any opportunity for freestyle performance will be “challenge by choice.”

Tues PM Outdoor-Strategic Alignment Update (limited)
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Curious about the progress of the Strategic Alignment Initiative? With the 2026 deadline ahead, spend some time on snow with folks in the know. Discover key updates from discipline taskforces, agreed upon strategies from leaders across the country and the ultimate benefits to members and their students in a “slide and chat” format. This session will allow you to help prepare your staff for the adjustments ahead.

TOWN HALL – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Tues PM-Town Hall Meeting
     December 3, 2024 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm ET

Join us for an Eastern Region update and insight into the National effort for alignment targeted for the 2026-27 season. In this session, engage in a discussion to elevate the value of a certified snowsports professional, and explore new offerings from the Eastern Region. Participants will learn more about:

· New events, namely, to support certification prep, and January pricing incentives.

· Eastern Region scholarship updates.

· Education Leaders recommendations for assessment process unification.

· Professional development from Level I to Level III certification pathways.

· Three phase approach to strategic alignment and the premier member experience.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and get answers from leaders in the Eastern Region!

SOCIAL HOUR – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Tues PM-Social Hour
     December 3, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ET

Join other Snowsports School Directors and Trainers in the Deerfield Conference Room from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. This is a great networking opportunity to learn from your peers, get ideas and learn how others solve common issues specific to Snowsports School lessons and guest experiences.

BANQUET & AWARDS (included) (Choose 1 option):
Tues PM-Banquet & Awards
     December 3, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm ET

Included with full registration is the awards banquet for all attendees. Join us on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:30pm in the Somerset Ballroom. If you are bringing a guest, we do have a limited number of guest banquet tickets available for purchase online. The 2024 Snowsports Leader of the Year Award, the Double Diamond Award and the Area Rep Awards will be announced. Come congratulate the deserving recipients!

WEDNESDAY MORNING (Choose 1 option):
– Weds AM Outdoor-Integrating Cognitive Adaptive Approaches to Children’s Lessons (limited)
     January 1, 1970 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am ET
Weds AM Outdoor-The Nuts & Bolts: Alpine Movement Analysis
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

This on-snow presentation will review the essentials of Movement Assessment. You’ll learn about the specific process of performing MA, and bring that information home to share with your staff. In addition, learn about coaching relative to MA, for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level students.

Weds AM Outdoor-Snowboard Trainers Track: Understanding the Level 2 and 3 Riding Assessments
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

This session is focused on helping trainers better understand the Riding portion of the Level 2 and 3 Assessment. The Examiners will give an overview of Assessment Activities that candidates can expect to participate in during Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments so that trainers can better understand how the Integrated, Highlighted, and Versatility Assessment Criteria are scored. Sample Assessment Activities will be demonstrated with the goal of helping the trainers to better understand the Assessment so that they can help prepare candidates in their Snowsports School.

Weds AM Outdoor-Preparing Staff for the Level I Assessment
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Join us for an informative session designed to equip leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in the Level I Assessment. This workshop will focus on understanding the assessment criteria and prerequisites, ensuring all participants feel confident and prepared. We will cover key readiness strategies and best practices for meeting assessment standards. By the end of the session, leave with a clear roadmap to help your team members meet the expectations of the Level I Assessment with confidence.

Weds AM Outdoor-Teachings Skills: Be Concise and Precise
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Learn the art of delivering clear and impactful messages using both verbal and visual communication. Through interactive exercises and real-world examples, participants will practice crafting concise lesson plans, using words sparingly, and employing strategies to maintain student engagement. Join us to refine your teaching skills and make every word count!

Weds AM Indoor-Developing Leadership Skills
     December 4, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

In this indoor clinic, we’ll focus on integrating PSIA-AASI’s People Skills Fundamentals into your management approach. You’ll learn practical strategies to enhance communication, build trust, and provide effective feedback within your team. By aligning your management practices with these core principles, you’ll foster a more cohesive, motivated workforce, ultimately leading to better team dynamics and improved guest experience. There will be a soft focus on developing new leadership in this session.

Weds AM Indoor-Panel Discussion: The Goldilocks Zone for Staff Management
     December 4, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Join this engaging panel discussion and presentation on best practices for hiring, managing, and optimizing your staff. We’ll delve into finding the balance in business demands, the needs of the staff, and your needs as a leader. Whether you represent a small ski area or a large resort, you’ll leave this session well equipped to take on winter.

Weds AM Indoor-Building an Engaging Environment for Littles and Instructors at the Beginner Level
     December 4, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

In this multi-discipline session we’ll explore ways to support instructors to not only keep their 3 to 6-year-old students engaged, but themselves as well. We’ll discuss the psychological and developmental needs of this age group and investigate options for developing terrain and tools to maximize fun and learning, as well as how to pace and structure lessons for littles to contribute to a positive experience. Lessons should be fun, both for the students and the instructors!

Weds AM Outdoor-Strategic Alignment Update (limited)
     December 4, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

Curious about the progress of the Strategic Alignment Initiative? With the 2026 deadline ahead, spend some time on snow with folks in the know. Discover key updates from discipline taskforces, agreed upon strategies from leaders across the country and the ultimate benefits to members and their students in a “slide and chat” format. This session will allow you to help prepare your staff for the adjustments ahead.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
– Weds PM Indoor-Snowsports School Leaders Roundtable
     January 1, 1970 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am ET
Weds PM Indoor-Adaptive Assessment Q & A Session
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Learn to communicate to your staff what they can expect when attending an Adaptive Assessment or Specialist Track. We will cover the information you need to send someone for assessments, specifically the Adaptive Standards for all three levels of assessments and Specialist tracks. Find out what the National Adaptive Task Force has been up to and become familiar with updates that impact the assessment process. Come with any questions you may have!

Weds PM Indoor-AASI Snowboard Best Practices Roundtable
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Hosted by the AASI-E Snowboard Coordinator, Brian Donovan, this session will explore new developments in PSIA-AASI, the Snowboarding Technical Fundamentals and how they apply to our education and certification, Snowboard Performance Guides, the new AASI-E Assessment Guides, and anything else that can help the attendees to be prepared for the season. Please email Brian at mrbriandonovan@hotmail.com with specific topic suggestions or topics that you’d like discussed and he will do his best to accommodate.

Weds PM Outdoor-Ski with the Eastern Region Alpine Education Staff
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This afternoon session is all about you! Spend the afternoon skiing with members of the PSIA Ed Staff, work on your personal skiing, dive deep into technical understanding discussions and conversations, or come with questions about other sessions you experienced. Come prepared to get a bunch of for early season mileage on your skis and have the early season discussions that will set you up for personal success this season!

Weds PM Outdoor-Ride with the Eastern Region AASI Education Staff
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This afternoon session is all about you! Spend the afternoon riding with members of the AASI Ed Staff, work on your personal riding, dive deep into technical understanding discussions and conversations, or expand upon the 3 previous sessions. Come prepared to get a bunch of early season mileage on your snowboard and have the early season discussions that will set you up for personal success this season!

In case of any emergency, please list someone who we can contact and with whom you allow us to share information about your location, situation, and needs. (Choose 2 options):
– Emergency Contact – Name/relationship:
– Emergency Contact – Phone:


Option 2 – Snowboard Trainer Track (choose your option for Wednesday afternoon)

Package Price:
– First Chair Rate: $350.00 (available through Tuesday, November 12)
– Second Chair Rate: $375.00

CEUs: 12

Event Prerequisite(s): None

Registration Closes Friday, November 15, 2024, 11:59 pm ET

Package Description:

This is the Snowboard Trainers Track registration.

If you are viewing this from the calendar listing, please: Click here to register your choices.

If you are a Snowboard Trainer, you will want to consider this special track, which keeps you in the Snowboard track throughout Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

For this registration choice you will have the Snowboard Trainer Track preselected by default, and you will need to make a choice for your Wednesday afternoon.

Please also let us know if you will be attending the can’t-miss keynote, the informative town hall, social hour, and banquet with awards, by selecting each of those you plan to attend.

This package includes each of the following sections.

KEYNOTE – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Keynote Presentation – Effectively Communicating with Generation Z – Betsy Butterick
     December 2, 2024 from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm ET

Join us at our Keynote Presentation on Monday, December 2nd, 7:00pm. Betsy Butterick presents: Effectively Communicating with Generation Z.

Young people we are teaching today have never known life without the internet. That unique context translates into both opportunities and challenges for instructors and trainers everywhere. In this year’s keynote, Betsy Butterick will help us discover who these students are, and how they interact for more effective teaching. Gain insights to operate in their conversational comfort zone and develop tactics to connect in meaningful ways. Experience greater engagement, enjoyment and partnership with Gen Z!

TUESDAY MORNING (Includes the following):
Tues AM Outdoor-Snowboard Trainers Track: Understanding the Level 2 and 3 Movement Analysis and Technical Understanding Assessments
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

This session is focused on helping trainers better understand the Movement Analysis and Technical Understanding portion of the Level 2 and 3 Assessment. Spend the morning establishing an understanding of how we can utilize the Snowboarding Technical Fundamentals to perform movement analysis of riders. This session will help trainers to understand how to train candidates to use MA to identify what riders are doing using the Observe, Evaluate, and Prescribe Movement Analysis model. The Examiners will give an overview of Assessment Activities that candidates can expect to participate in during Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments.

TUESDAY AFTERNOON (Includes the following):
Tues PM Outdoor-Snowboard Trainers Track: Understanding the Level 2 and 3 Teaching Assessments
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This session is focused on helping trainers better understand the Teaching portion of the Level 2 and 3 Assessment. We will build off of the Movement Analysis and Technical Understanding session as we explore how to train instructors on teaching in ways that help instructors connect with their students and promote the best learning opportunities and environments possible for those students. We will explore tactics for creating organic learning experiences in lessons, highlight key components of a teaching segment, and make sure that trainers in attendance have a grasp on how to help instructors train towards continuing certifications. The Examiners will give an overview of Assessment Activities that candidates can expect to participate in during Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments.

TOWN HALL – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Tues PM-Town Hall Meeting
     December 3, 2024 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm ET

Join us for an Eastern Region update and insight into the National effort for alignment targeted for the 2026-27 season. In this session, engage in a discussion to elevate the value of a certified snowsports professional, and explore new offerings from the Eastern Region. Participants will learn more about:

· New events, namely, to support certification prep, and January pricing incentives.

· Eastern Region scholarship updates.

· Education Leaders recommendations for assessment process unification.

· Professional development from Level I to Level III certification pathways.

· Three phase approach to strategic alignment and the premier member experience.

This is your opportunity to ask questions and get answers from leaders in the Eastern Region!

SOCIAL HOUR – please select here if you will be attending (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
Tues PM-Social Hour
     December 3, 2024 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ET

Join other Snowsports School Directors and Trainers in the Deerfield Conference Room from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. This is a great networking opportunity to learn from your peers, get ideas and learn how others solve common issues specific to Snowsports School lessons and guest experiences.

BANQUET & AWARDS (included) (Choose 1 option):
Tues PM-Banquet & Awards
     December 3, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm ET

Included with full registration is the awards banquet for all attendees. Join us on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:30pm in the Somerset Ballroom. If you are bringing a guest, we do have a limited number of guest banquet tickets available for purchase online. The 2024 Snowsports Leader of the Year Award, the Double Diamond Award and the Area Rep Awards will be announced. Come congratulate the deserving recipients!

WEDNESDAY MORNING (Includes the following):
Weds AM Outdoor-Snowboard Trainers Track: Understanding the Level 2 and 3 Riding Assessments
     December 3, 2024 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am ET

This session is focused on helping trainers better understand the Riding portion of the Level 2 and 3 Assessment. The Examiners will give an overview of Assessment Activities that candidates can expect to participate in during Level 2 and Level 3 Assessments so that trainers can better understand how the Integrated, Highlighted, and Versatility Assessment Criteria are scored. Sample Assessment Activities will be demonstrated with the goal of helping the trainers to better understand the Assessment so that they can help prepare candidates in their Snowsports School.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON (Choose at least 0, and no more than 1 options):
– Weds PM Indoor-Snowsports School Leaders Roundtable
     January 1, 1970 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am ET
Weds PM Indoor-Adaptive Assessment Q & A Session
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Learn to communicate to your staff what they can expect when attending an Adaptive Assessment or Specialist Track. We will cover the information you need to send someone for assessments, specifically the Adaptive Standards for all three levels of assessments and Specialist tracks. Find out what the National Adaptive Task Force has been up to and become familiar with updates that impact the assessment process. Come with any questions you may have!

Weds PM Indoor-AASI Snowboard Best Practices Roundtable
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

Hosted by the AASI-E Snowboard Coordinator, Brian Donovan, this session will explore new developments in PSIA-AASI, the Snowboarding Technical Fundamentals and how they apply to our education and certification, Snowboard Performance Guides, the new AASI-E Assessment Guides, and anything else that can help the attendees to be prepared for the season. Please email Brian at mrbriandonovan@hotmail.com with specific topic suggestions or topics that you’d like discussed and he will do his best to accommodate.

Weds PM Outdoor-Ride with the Eastern Region AASI Education Staff
     December 3, 2024 from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm ET

This afternoon session is all about you! Spend the afternoon riding with members of the AASI Ed Staff, work on your personal riding, dive deep into technical understanding discussions and conversations, or expand upon the 3 previous sessions. Come prepared to get a bunch of early season mileage on your snowboard and have the early season discussions that will set you up for personal success this season!

In case of any emergency, please list someone who we can contact and with whom you allow us to share information about your location, situation, and needs. (Choose 2 options):
– Emergency Contact – Name/relationship:
– Emergency Contact – Phone:

Click here for a Tutorial for Event Registration!


If you have any feedback or comments, please click here to send an e-mail. Thank you!

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