Alpine Creative Teaching Tactics


CEUs – 12

PREREQUISITES – Level I Certification

RECOMMENDED PREP – Teaching Snowsports manual chapter 1, 2, and 3, Alpine Certification Standards teaching and people skills level 2-3, People Skills Performance Guide focus level 2 and 3, Teaching Skills Performance Guide focus Level 2 and 3.

Snowball fight!  Throw, thud, direct hit!  Ever wonder what else you can do with a snowball?  What skills could you teach by asking your students to turn around it, ski or jump over it, or balance it on a pole?  Bring your inner child to Creative Teaching Tactics and practice putting the fun into the Fundamentals!  Learn how adding creative games to your teaching can build a team to help elevate and grow your students’ skills. Explore using fun to build connections with your students, creating a lesson environment that promotes individualized learning experiences that make your students want to come back for more.  Come prepared to experiment, play, and share ideas; leave with a fun new set of games to try at home.

Participants should arrive prepared to be on snow for 2 days and able to ski safely on all groomed terrain. Depending on trail availability and snow conditions, some groups may elect to venture into ungroomed terrain, including moguls and glades.

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