How can we help?
- How do I login?
- How do I register for an event?
- How much are dues for the season?
- What is a member required to do to maintain certification?
- What is the Reinstatement Process?
- Can I attend non-assessment events in another PSIA-AASI region?
- Can I attend non-PSIA-AASI clinics for credit?
- Can I take an assessment in another PSIA-AASI region?
- Can you tell me more about the online Professional Knowledge Exam?
- Do the indoor educational courses satisfy the continuing education requirement?
- How can I get a copy of my invoice for an event or dues?
- How can I pay my invoice online?
- How do I filter the Event Calendar so I can see the events that I’d like to attend?
- How do I get my Membership Card?
- How do I know if my event registration was completed?
- How do I order educational materials, manuals, pins and books?
- How do I register for the Eastern Academy or the Summit Academy?
- How do I transfer my membership from one Region/Division to another Region/Division?
- How does the quarterly auto-pay dues program work and how do I sign up?
- How long is a prerequisite good for?
- How often should I receive 32 Degrees publication?
- How often should I receive the Eastern newsletter – The SnowPro?
- How to fill out the Event Evaluation Survey
- How to update your information in your Member Portal
- I am a certified ski or snowboard instructor from another country. How can I become certified with PSIA-AASI?
- I just got my Level III Certification. How can I sign up for the ISIA Program?
- I just passed an assessment, but I don’t see my new certification on my record. Why is that?
- I should be getting my 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60-year pin this year. When will that be shipped to me?
- If I am certified in more than one discipline, what are my credit requirements?
- I’m certified in one discipline; can I take an assessment in another discipline?
- I’m not yet affiliated with a snowsports school; can I still take a Level I Assessment?
- What are the changes to the Inactive policy?
- What are the prerequisites for Level II or III exams?
- What if I had a medical reason as to why I was unable to participate in an educational event on snow?
- What if my schedule did not permit and I was unable to participate in my update in the season I was due?
- What is the administrative charge/cancellation fee if I need to cancel or transfer my event registration?
- What is the age at which an instructor can become a member?
- What is the Education Prepayment fee on my dues invoice?
- What is the policy for Active-Duty Military members?
- What is the reciprocity offered for U.S. Ski & Snowboard (formerly called USSA) Members?
- When does the new Accessories Catalog ship?
- When is the course/event schedule/event calendar posted for the season?
- Where can I access the assessment (exam) guides and other education/certification resources for my discipline?
- Will any event fulfill the continuing educational credit requirements – even in another discipline?
- How do I renew my membership?
- PSIA-AASI Code of Conduct
- What is alignment and how will this affect the assessment process?
- Alumni Certification Reactivation Policy
- Show All Articles (36) Collapse Articles
- CEU Management Policy
- Event Participant Safety Policy
- Active-Duty Military Service Waiver Policy
- Crossover / Cross Discipline Policy
- Foreign Certification Equivalency Policy
- Outside Credit Policy
- Transfer Policy
- Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) Policy Considerations
- Vail Resort Helmet Policy
- PSIA-AASI Eastern Region Covid Member Policy – 9/18/2022
- PSIA-AASI Eastern Region Covid Staff Policy – 09/18/2022
- PSIA-AASI Code of Conduct
- Alumni Certification Reactivation Policy
- Show All Articles (1) Collapse Articles
Event Descriptions
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How do I renew my membership?
Renew Online!

Click here to renew your membership for the upcoming season.
Renewal rates increase after June 30th, so renew early for the lowest rate. while online, you may check your CEU requirements under the “My Education History” tab. We appreciate your commitment to your education and PSIA-AASI!
If you have any questions regarding your membership renewal, please contact Eastern Member Services at (518) 452-6095 or email
If you wish to pay by check, please include your member # and mail to:
5 Columbia Circle
Albany, NY 12203-5180